To publish an event we must access to:

Website & Networks → Content for portals and mobile app Events.

Once we have entered, we will see the list of events that can be configured to be viewed from the web. If we have not added new events the list will be empty. To add new events, click on the icon "New", If we want to edit the created events press and if we want to remove them we press .

If we want to add a new event publication, we will see a window like the following:

From here we can configure the center to which the new event belongs, the portal, the date, the image, select a photo album. In addition we can indicate if we want to notify the users sending as newsletter and if we want to notify the mobile. We can also mark the option that allows users to sign up for the event on both the web and mobile, indicate if the event will be public, which means that the non-authenticated users can see it, and we can indicate the title, content, date of Start and end date of the event.

In case we want to edit an event created, we will see a window with the sections General, Files and Assistants:


In the section General we will see the information that we introduced when creating the event. In addition, we see the option to show during some dates, in which we can indicate the date from which we want the event to be shown and the end date until we want the event to be shown.

In the Files section we will see the list of files that can be viewed from the web. If you have not added any, the list will be empty. To add new files select the icon "New", if we want to edit the added files click And if we want to remove them we press .

When we add new files we will see a window like the following:

As we can see, to select the file that we want to add click on File. In News will appear the title that we have given to our new news. In Name we will put the name that we want to have the file that we add and in Position we will put the position where we want this new file to be viewed. Finally, we update and the new file will already be added.

Finally, in the Attendees section we will see the list of users who have signed up for the event.

If we want to eliminate some of the attendees we can click the icon .