To configure the prices for the lockers go to:

Customers -> General Rates -> Services-> Rental lockers.

Once there, you'll see the list of different fees you have created. If you haven't set up any fee yet, that list will be empty.

If you want to create new fees press on "New", if you want to modify created fees press onand if you want to remove them press on.

When you want to create a new fee, you will see the next screen:

Here you can set the options for the fees, for example if it's a monthly or yearly fee, when it should be paid or if it can be splitted up in smaller payments. Once your're done press Insert.

You'll be redirected to the previous screen where the list of fees were. Look for the one you just created and press then go to the Prices section.


You can fill the form to set the price (on the fee cost field) and put a name and a code and few many options. Also you can add conditions to apply different prices to your customers like in the rest of the fees and prices on Matchpoint, on the conditions section of the menu.