To be able to register different types of private classes we will go to:
Customers → General Rates → Private Classes
We will see a window with all the particular classes that we have given of high, from here we can create new classes, click on the button "New" , edit them with , or delete them with
In this case as we want to register new classes click on the "New" button as shown in the image provided.
It will open the next window, which is the tab of the creation of the class, where we fill in with your name and a brief description if we want.
When we have created the class we will return to the window where they were the list of classes and click on the button Of the class we just created. We will open a window, where we will click on the "Groups" option in the menu on the left. This section is to create groups within the classes, for example if we want to divide the class between beginners, advanced ... etc. Click on the "New" button.
We will leave the creation tab Groups, enter a Name, click on update and we have a group created.
We will repeat this step to create all the groups that we want.
If we go to the "Prices" option of the menu on the left, we can modify the price of the class depending on the group etc. Click on "New" to create new prices.
We will open the price sheet, as we can see, the price may depend on the type of group, the category of the monitor, the date of the class, etc. When we find the information filled, click on Update and we have the prices created.