To book a set of private lessons, we will go to the reservation box on the main menu, drag in the schedule that we want and the track we want, and click on "Private class" of the drop-down that opens us.
Once we found it, we will see that it appears in the reservation calendar, click on it and the following window will open:
Press the "Programme" button at the bottom of the screen.
Once inside the programming window we will choose the type of programming, we want, whether daily, weekly or monthly.
That is to say in daily, if we want that every day at the same hour to have that class reserved, in weekly if the days of the week that mark we have that reservation, and in monthly the same thing.
We will start from the start and end dates we want to understand the reservations.
We will click on the "Search for dates" button to see what we have available and accept if we want.
Clicking on "Search Dates" will open a window with all the dates that are available on the dates with the options that we have marked. If from this list we see that in some of the dates we cannot attend insurance and we want to delete the reservation we will click on the button . We click on "Confirm" and we already have a set of reserved classes.