In order to get customer listings we will go to:

Inf. and Statistics --> Membership

From membership, we can see that a dropdown opens up with several options....

Statistics, subscriptions per day and month, cancellations of subscriptions ... etc.

From all of them we must choose the option that best suits what we seek.

- From Statistics, we will be able to see graphically the monthly income of paid fees, the population of subscribers (age and gender) and the evolution of the number of subscribers.

- Since Evolution Subscribers per Day shows the ups and downs between dates and the other report is grouped by rate.

- Evolution of monthly subscriptions, showing the list of the variation of monthly subscriptions between dates.

- Number of subscribers per month.

Show a list of subscribers per month, allowing you to filter between dates and type of subscription.

- Customers with season tickets. It will show a list of customers with season tickets between dates.

- Registration and Discharge of Customers Subscribers per month. 

It will show a list of clients who have registered / unsubscribe per month.

- Active membership by type. A list of the amount of memberships per subscription fee that are active so far shows.

- Population of subscribers. It shows a list of the active fertilizer population by age and gender.

- Report of paid subscriptions. Display detailed customer information, having more than 12 types of templates with different information between them.