-How to block online track reservations:

System > System Configuration > Web-App > Reserve On-line System Blocking:

-How to configure the center as closed:

Programming > Occupancy > Configuration Centers > Schedule Center

Click New > Weekly, select the closing dates of the center, uncheck the ‘open’ box and click update:

-How to massively cancel reservations:

We go to the menu Programming > Reservations > Cancellation Reservations

Click the icon next to the binoculars to open the search filters and filter by date:

After applying the filter that interests us and clicking on the binoculars, the number of bookings answering the search will appear at the top right.

On the right side of the screen, we can select from a drop-down the number of reservations to display on each sheet. In the first column of the list, we can select the reservations we want to cancel. If we want to cancel all reservations that appear on the sheet, we can click on the ‘Select All’ button.

Once the reservations are selected, at the bottom of the page, we decide on the cancellation reason, what to do with the payments, and then click on ‘Annular selected.

A dialog window will open asking us to accept the cancellation of reservations.

Once accepted, a new window will confirm the cancellation.

¡The reserves cancelled cannot be recovered!

We can consult a list of cancelled reservations in:

Programming > Reservations > Other historical lists > Cancelled reservations