1. How to reset a ranking for a year?

You enter the menu and press "Delete". the ranking will be emptied.

2. Can we maintain the ranking for several years?

The ranking is not deleted alone, the information is kept.

3. How to automate the data passing of a Tournament?

In the tournament you enter the data for the ranking in the groups/tables.

At the end of the tournament you process the ranking.

4. How to automate the passing of game data or challenges?

In the sport tab is the scoring part, once everything is filled every time the results are entered an entry will be added to the ranking.

It is mandatory that players are not repeated , that the game scores to the ranking, and that all players are ready in team A or B.

5. What are Ranking Tables?

The intention is to have different global rankings. At the moment that function is not available. there is only one ranking per sport ( although it can be subdivided by sex and levels)