To create promotional codes, you need to navigate to the 'Customers' menu, then select 'Offers and Discounts', and finally choose 'Promotional Codes'.

In the subsequent window, you will find all the previously created discount codes. To create new ones, simply click on the 'New' button.

Clicking on 'New' will open a window where you can enter the essential details of the discount.

Active: Indicate whether the code is currently active or not.

Code: Enter the combination of characters and numbers that customers should use to apply the discount code.

Name: Assign a commercial name to the discount code.

Validity from: Specify the date from which the code can be used.

Validity until: Specify the last date until which the code can be used.

Maximum total uses: Determine the total number of times the discount code can be utilized.

Maximum uses per day: Set the maximum number of times the code can be used per day.

Maximum uses per customer: Establish the maximum number of times a single customer can use the discount code.

After modifying the fields according to your requirements, click on the 'Update' button to generate the discount.

At this stage, you must return to the promotion code record to assign it to the appropriate rate.

Within the list of discount codes, click on the corresponding green button for the code you have just generated.

Once you are inside the discount code record, proceed to the 'Use in Bookings' section to assign the code to a specific booking rate and modality. In the same window, you can specify whether the discount represents a fixed amount or a percentage, and set its value. To save the changes, click on the 'Update' button.