We have a new feature, which allows customers to book their private lessons from the web (if they access from the APP, they will be redirected to the website).


In order for clients to book their own private lessons with our instructors, please use this link ~/classbooking/index.aspx (where the ~ is the URL of the center).

This link can be inserted in the top menu of the Web as a new custom entry in the Home or in the side menu of the APP (System> System Configuration> Web-App> Mobile Application).

In order for the clients to be able to choose between the monitors and the classes beforehand, it is necessary to:

1) Create schedules of availability of the coaches and apply them in their profile (Planning> Monitors> Schedules).

2) Check that the Classes have been created correctly (Customers> General Rates> Private classes)

3) Check that the coaches are enabled to teach the classes (Planning> Instructors> List of instructors> Skills) according to their category. 

4) Check the box visible on the Web in the private lesson (Clients> General Rates> Private Lessons) and Monitor (Planning> Instructors) tabs.

In addition, in System> System Configuration> Private classes you can manage the advance booking of these classes, which tracks to use, the methods of payment...