If you want to create subscription fees you can go to:

Costumers -> General Rates -> Membership Fee.

Here you can see the list of subscription fees you have already created:

If you want to create new subscription fees, press on "New" and you will see the next window:

If you want to edit the subscription fees that are already created, you can press on and you will see the next screen:

*In the General section you will see general information of the subscription fee:

- Code: add an easy to recognize code for the fee.

- Rate: the name of the fee.

- Description/terms: fdescription and terms of the fees.

-Season ticket gives condition of member?: if the box is selected, the user who pays this subscription would be considered as a member of the centre. 

- Membership fee number format: this is the format of the final code each member of this fee will receive. You can choose auto numeric, Year-Auto numeric, Month.year-auto numeric, Code/year-auto numeric, Code/Month.year-auto numeric or you can create your own by clicking on Other.

- Maximum number of subscribers: you can choose a maximum number of subscribers to this fee.

- Days keep discounts from last fee: If a member fails to pay the next fee, how many days can he/she keep the benefits of it?

- Days keep access from last fee: for how many days will the member be able to access the centre when he/she has an outstanding fee?

- Maximum number of unpaid fees: you can set a maximum number of unpaid fees.

- Days until notify non payment: how many days before the unpaid notification is issued.

- Season fee: if this box is selected, you will see two new fields with the season dates, and the subscription fee will be available only during this season.

*In the Rates section you will see a list with the different prices of this fee.

When you create a new subscription fee, this list will be empty. You can add the prices by clicking on "New":


You will have different options for the price as well. The most important ones are the name of the fee that you can write under "rate", the "fee amount" and the "frequency of payment" that states if the fee amount will be collected monthly, quarterly or with any other frequency.