We inform our Clients and affiliated Clubs that, in order to consolidate the functionality of the finance section and due to the entry into force of the Anti-Fraud Law this summer (at European level, in the Spanish case: Ley 11/2021) , the following measures will be taken, which will imply restrictions in the software:

  • Not allowing invoice data to be modified once it has been issued.
  • Not allowing the deletion of an invoice (at the moment it stops when it is the last one).
  • It will not be possible to delete receipts. It will be possible to cancel them.
  • Not allowing the elimination of receipts. They can be cancelled, generating a negative collection. 
  • Do not allow the elimination of cash movements (collections), but you can eliminate openings, closings, etc.
  • It is not possible to edit the date of a collection nor the concept or form of payment, it is possible to change the form of payment by cancelling and re-collecting it.
  • It is not possible to change the concept, date, series, etc. of an invoice, it must be credited and redone.

Accompanied by new processes/revision:

  • Cancel collection. We will generate a negative collection with the same form of payment to leave the associated receipt pending.
  • Change of payment method. We will generate a negative collection and a new positive one with the new form of payment.
  • When issuing an invoice or ticket, the option to send a copy by email or whastapp link to the customer will be added.
  • Change of invoice data, a corrective invoice will be issued for the reason of the change.

This means that all systems that are updated will already have the new restrictions in the financial part.

Everything that has to be modified will be through a cancellation and reissue, leaving a trace of each movement. 

This certainly does not mean that changes cannot be made, but it will now be necessary to cancel and reissue: it will not be possible to alter a record that already exists.

We advise you to consult the new Anti-Fraud law, whereby all these activities are punishable in Spain as of July 2025, so we, as software providers, have taken these requirements into account as of this month.