The accounting transfers record the movement of cash flow of the company between different bank accounts, cards or boxes. This transfer in turn creates records, which we call accounting entries.
It is not a mere record, but all the expenses of the operation are managed, both in the account of origin and in the account of destination and the necessary accounting entries are generated. This is often the case when funds are transferred between accounts of the same entity.
At TPC-Matchpoint we use a separate module for accounting management. This one, if we have it implemented, we can find it in: Finance --> Accounting --> Transfer book
If we do not have it, it can be requested by mail to [email protected]
The following screen will open:
We must select the parameters, most importantly, the date.
We will select the or types of movements to generate, services...
As for the export format, each club, depending on the program they use to keep the accounts, will choose one.
We recommend the SAGE 50C NOMINAPLUS, as it is the most complete.
Under, we have three options, generate seats, so we can see them beforehand and check that everything is correct.
Download file.
And, get sub-account file, which in some cases, is necessary.
Once we have the file, we’ll upload it to our accounting program.
If this process is done more than once a month, it may be that when you export the seats again, you won’t see them.
The purpose of the mechanism is to generate a file for exporting to the accounts those movements that have not previously been exported, that is, those that have already been marked as processed in a previous accounting export process.
This would be the reason why nothing would appear to export, as there would be nothing new. The reason is simple, you have already generated the seats to be exported and therefore marked as processed. If you access here, you can review the history of the processes already executed:
Finance --> Accounting --> Transfer history
We would select the parameters in the following order:
And finally, we would export the file.